100 Questions to Ask About Fukushima
1. How does the Bioaccumulation of Radiation in the Food Chain system work?

2. How much evidence is there now that Fukushima Radiation is in North America?

3. Why do you think almost no one in North America thinks this is serious?

4. What isotopes travel the farthest in the sea or the air?

5. What isotopes have the longest half-life?

6. What is an isotope?

7. What is a half-life?

8. What is depleted uranium?

9. What is Plutonium? 

10. What is MOX fuel?

11. IF Spent Fuel Rods are spent, why worry?

12. What happened to the Spent Fuel Rods and their water holding pools on top of Buildings 1, 2 & 3?

13. Is it true that over 200 of the nuclear fuel rods in the Spent Fuel Rod pool on top of building 4 are actually 100% hot…unused?

14. What happens to Spent Fuel Rods when exposed to air?

15. What is zirconium and why is it used for encasement of fuel rods?

16. Could a human ever hold a spent fuel rod?

17. What would happen if a human held a spent fuel rod?

18. Why is it impossible for a nuclear power plant to explode as a nuclear
bomb would do?

19. Are nuclear power plant fuel rods the same as what is used in nuclear bombs?

20. How many nuclear power plants are there in the US?

21. How many nuclear Power plants in the US are on seismic fault lines?

22. What is the average age of most of the US nuclear power plants?

23. Have there been failures of nuclear power plants in the US?

24. Are spent fuel rods stored in spent fuel pools in US nuclear power plants the same as they are in Fukushima?

25. What would happen to the world’s nuclear power plants if we had a     Carrington Event CME in the near future?

26. Are the “officials” not telling the people affected by Fukushima the       seriousness of the problem to avoid panic?

27. Are the people of Tokyo being irradiated right now?

28. Do the reported sores on Alaskan bears have anything to do with         Fukushima?

29. Are the fishermen who could not catch a single sardine this past week of the coast of Washington, British Columbia or Alaska seeing the effects of Fukushima radiation poisoning of the Pacific ocean.

30. Is it true that many of the reactor fuel rods and the spent fuel rods of   buildings 1,2, and 3 were blasted into the ocean by the “Nuclear               Criticalities” in those buildings?

31. Is there any electrical systems still working in any of the first four         buildings at Fukushima?

32. Who should be responsible for the cleanup or control of the current     Fukushima disaster site?

33. Has the radiation from Fukushima circled the world yet?

34. Will the radiation from Fukushima raise the cancer rates in the US over the next decade if the spent fuel pool collapses?

35. Will the radiation from Fukushima raise the cancer rates in the US over the next decade if the spent fuel pool is completely emptied without a single mishap?

36. How likely is a mishap to be regarding the spent fuel pool rod removal from Building 4’s pool?

37. Are qualified personnel currently on site at Fukushima?

38. Is it true that it is against the law to broadcast information about           Fukushima that has not been “sanitized” by the Government or TEPCO?

39. Are the children of Japan currently showing sign of radiation                poisoning?

40. How long before the people of Japan begin to suffer massive die offs from uncontrolled cancer deaths?

41. Could that actually happen?

42. The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo has been touted as safe by Prime Minister Shinto Abe…is this true?

43. Do the people of Japan have any idea of how bad the situation in Fukushima really has become?

44. Should one eat any food product grown, processed or packaged from Japan due to Fukushima?

45. Is the estimate that Fukushima will take generations to bring under control accurate?

46. Why does the air in the Northern Hemisphere seldom exchange with the air in the Southern Hemisphere?

47. Is the oceans' water also sledom exchanged between the world’s         hemispheres?

48. Is it true that our US Nuclear Regulatory Commission changed the amounts of acceptable exposure to various nuclear isotopes shortly after the first clouds of radiation arrived from the Fukushima disaster?

49. Are the actions of Japan’s NRC and that of the US’s NRC actually criminal in that they are obscuring the truth of the health risks of nuclear exposure from the Fukushima Fallout?

50. Would full disclosure to the public of the seriousness of the Fukushima disaster cause widespread panic?

51. Why is it safer to be on the Equator than in the Northern or Southern

52. Are some isotopes more dearly than others?

53. How heavy are the Spent Fuel Rod Assemblies?

54. Are humans able to be present near the Spent Fuel Rod Assemblies at time of removal?

55. Is Prime Minister telling the truth when he says “It’s tasty and delicious.” when describing seafood caught near Fukushima?

56. Does anyone gain if Fukushima is never brought under control?

57. Is it a very real possibility the Building #4 could topple over spilling all the spent fuel rods on the ground?

58. Why has the United Nations not declared Fukushima a “World Health Risk” and secured control over the complex?

59. Should the UN take control of Fukushima and bring all the world’s        experts to bear on the situation?

60. What happened to Buildings #5 & 6 on the Fukushima site?

61. How is it coming at the OTHER Fukushima down the road?

62. When will people in the US and Canada really become aware of the Fukushima situation due to their declining health or the increase in
cancer rates?

63. Is the death rate increasing in the US due to Fukushima for people?

64. Is it true that Pacific wildlife and fish are suffering from Fukushima?

65. How “hot” is the Texas-size mass of Fukushima tsunami garbage due
to hit the US shores in the near future?

66. Why is President Obama so silent on this extreme health issue?

67. Who was in charge of the security at Fukushima when the event

68. Who started the rumor that Fukushima was sabotaged? 

69. Since when have hydrogen gas explosions had the power to
disintegrate 5 to 8 foot thick concrete containment walls as in 
Building #3?

70. Where is the nuclear reactor now that used to be in building #3 at

71. Has the main stream media begun to show old videos of people touring the buildings at Fukushima and telling people it is current

72. Who is currently in charge on site at Fukushima?

73. Have any outside-of-Japan scientists been invited to participate in the
“decommissioning” of the Fukushima site?

74. Would the term “Decommissioning” now have any relevance
regarding Fukushima?

75. What is the stupidest thing said publically by the government of
Japan, TEPCO or US officials so far about Fukushima?

76. What isotopes released from Fukushima are the deadliest for human

77. Should the government of Japan and the officials who operate
TEPCO be charged with crimes against humanity for their willful
misdeeds at Fukushima following the disaster?

78. Is it true that a large number of hot fuel rods discharged from
Fukushima power plants after the “hydrogen” explosions were buried
on site by bulldozers?

79. How often does the wind change direction to bathe Tokyo in the
fallout from Fukushima?

80. How many people, by percentage, live in the northern hemisphere as
compared to the whole world?

81. Why do the winds almost never blow across the equator from either     hemisphere to the other. (North to South or visa versa)

82. What is happening to the OTHER FUKUSHIMA regarding

83. What are the first signs of Fukushima radiation poisoning of the

84. Are the stories of fish from the North Pacific with bleeding eyes and
gills attributable to Fukushima radiation?

85. Is any fish caught in the Pacific any longer safe to eat?

86. How long will it be before the entire Pacific Ocean is dead from
Fukushima radiation?

87. Are mutations now appearing in plants and animals in the US Pacific
Northwest attributable to Fukushima radiation?

88. How long before every human being in the Northern Hemisphere is
affected in some way by the radiation from Fukushima which has
been released into the environment?

89. What should one say to a person who believes it is all hype with
regard to the seriousness of the Fukushima disaster?

90. Are there any safe places that will be unaffected anywhere in the
Northern Hemisphere within the next ten years?

91. What is the greatest risk to human life from the Fukushima radiation
released into the Northern Hemisphere environment?

92. Is cancer the first and greatest risk to human life from the Fukushima
radiation released into the earth’s environment?

93. How many people could Fukushima radiation eventually kill if
unabated over the next ten years in the Northern Hemisphere?

94. What is the one thing a person could to protect themselves effectively over the next ten years from radiation emitted from the Fukushima disaster?

95. Are there pills or herbs to cure the effects of radiation poisoning
received from the Fukushima disaster?

96. Are herbal teas or cleanses effective against the radiation one              receives from the Fukushima disaster?

97. Should anyone plant a garden in the US west of the Rocky

98. Is any garden in the US safe from the radiation released from the
Fukushima disaster?

99. Would it be a good idea to test frozen fish from the Pacific with a         Geiger counter or just not buy it?

100. Can one believe anything the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission     says about the Fukushima disaster?

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